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Business/Computer Technology


Business and Computer Courses

Accounting I                                                         

Grade:  10, 11, 12                                                                    Elective

Prerequisite:  interest in business math                                         Length:  2 sems, 1 per, 1 credit

Accounting provides the student with the opportunity to learn the language and problems of business. The entire accounting system is taught on a general basis.  Students considering a major in any area of business in college should take this course as accounting at the college level will be a requirement.

Accounting II                                                        

Grade:  11 & 12                                                                           Elective

Prerequisite:  Accounting I, C average or better                             Length:  2 sems, 1 per, 1 credit

Advanced accounting provides the student with the opportunity of applying its basic principles to a variety of accounting systems and methods that are commonly found in business, including computerized accounting.  This course is especially useful to those students interested in accounting as a vocation. Completion of this course should enable a student to handle the more complex record-keeping necessary in owning a business.


Grade:  11 & 12                                                                                            Elective

Prerequisites:  English 9 & 10, Keyboarding, Computer Applications                  Length:  2 sems, 1 period, 1 credit, Weighted

PERMISSION OF INSTRUCTOR                                                                               

Required Equipment:   Digital Camera; Internet access at home                                      

Multimedia is a course for students to express their ideas through a variety of technology-based publications.  The Arcette yearbook is published using an on-line website. STUDENTS MUST HAVE ACCESS TO THE INTERNET AT HOME!  Students will get hands-on experience in layout design, desktop publishing, copy writing, sales and photography.  Other publications published include the high school newsletter, the elementary newsletter, high school video announcements, the online school newsletter, as well as any other publications needed by the school or community.  Extra time outside of class will be required including:  photographing extra-curricular activities, interviewing coaches, advisors and participants and selling ads to local businesses.  Students must be self-motivated, self-disciplined, organized, responsible and able to work alone as well as in groups. 

Computer Applications                                           

Grades:  9, 10, 11, & 12                                                         Graduation requirement taken 9th   or 10th grades

Prerequisite:  none                                                                     Length:  2 sem, 1 per, 1 credit

The main goal of this course is for the students to learn how to use the software available to them and to understand how to use the computer as a tool in school and in the business world.  Students will learn how to operate software, including word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, and web page designs.

Advanced Computer Applications                            

Grades: 10, 11, & 12                                                                Elective                   

Prerequisite:  Computer Applications                                           Length:  1 sem, 1 per, .5 credit                  

Students will develop advanced techniques using a variety of software programs.  Students will develop an understanding of the practical application of software programs and how they might utilize them in a personal and professional environment.  Software programs include those that create spreadsheets, word processing, presentations, PDF documents, and databases.  Students will also create multimedia presentations and web pages.

Web Design I                                                        

Grades:  10, 11, & 12                                                               Elective                 

Prerequisite:  Advanced Computer Applications                          Length:  1 sem, 1 per, .5 credit                   

Students will gain an understanding and appreciation for E-commerce and the increasing amount of business being conducted via the Internet.  Students will study on-line banking and bill paying, on-line education, on-line stock market transacting, and security issues involving on-line businesses.  Students will participate in an Internet stock market simulation during this course.  Students will also create and maintain web pages for the Arcanum-Butler Schools web site.

Web Design II                                                       

Grades:  11, & 12                                                                        Elective                   

                                                                                                     Length:  1 sem, 1 per, .5 credit

Prerequisite:  Internet Business Concepts/Web Page Design                                         

Students will set up and maintain a server in the Computer Lab and will learn trouble shooting techniques and electronic repair techniques.  Students who successfully complete this class with an A are encouraged also to take Independent Computer Service. 

Independent Computer Service                              

Grades:  11, & 12                                                                         Elective                   

Prerequisite:  Computer Hardware and Networking                         Length:  1 sem, 1 per, .5 credit                        

Students will provide computer support services for students and staff in the school district.  Because the student may have access to private files, the student must have demonstrated a level of trustworthiness and will only be enrolled in the class if there are no disciplinary actions on the student record.