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Note:  Four credits of English are required for graduation. 

English 9

Grade:  9                                                                Required

Prerequisite:  none                                                    Length:  2 sems, 1 per, 1 credit

This course is designed for the ninth grade students. The purpose of this course is to review and further develop basic skills in the use of the English language (grammar, usage, sentence structure, paragraph and multi-paragraph), reading, literature, vocabulary, speech and listening.

English 10                                                                                                                                   

Grade:  10                                                              Required

Prerequisite:  English 9                                              Length:  2 sems, 1 per, 1 credit

 This course is designed for all tenth grade students.  The key purpose or focus of the class is communication.  There is a strong emphasis on increasing writing skills.  The student will review and further develop skills in grammar, usage, mechanics, sentence structure and spelling.  Units of study include short story, poetry, drama, nonfiction and the short novel.  The student will develop writing skills by writing various paragraphs and multi-paragraph papers.  The student will develop verbal skills by preparing and giving a speech.  Vocabulary

will be especially emphasized.


 Composition/Research I

 Grade:  11 & 12                                                       Length:  1 sem, 1 per, .5 credit           Prerequisite:  English 9 & 10                                       weighted

This course is required for the college bound student and must be taken only during the junior or senior year.  It is designed to prepare the student for college freshman composition by acquainting him/her with specific methods of developing a theme by exposition and using research techniques.

 Composition/Research II

 Grade:  11 & 12

Prerequisite:  Composition/Research I                           Length:  1 sem, 1 per, .5 credit

                                                                                weighted                                     This course is an extension of the Composition/Research I course.  The student will continue to work with the formal theme in more specialized forms.  Research projects will also be required.  There will be an emphasis on the critical essay.

 Creative Expressions

Grade:  11 & 12                                                      

Prerequisite:  English 9 & 10                                       Length:  1 sem, 1 per, .5 credit

                                                                                weighted: optional

This course is designed for the junior and senior student who plans to attend college.  Students will improve communication skills.  The emphasis is on developing formal speaking skills by preparing and presenting such speeches as informative, persuasive, debates, etc.  Students will also learn to communicate in group situations and handle group dynamics.

Advanced Literature                                                          

Grade:  11 & 12

Prerequisite:  English 9 & 10                                       Length:  1 sem, 1 per, .5 credit                                                                                    weighted: optional

The student will read specific literature by key authors, including stories, poems and novels.  He/she will read, discuss, write in response, interpret at several levels, look for specific images and symbols and determine how well the literature serves as a unified piece of fiction.  Students will develop the vocabulary needed to discuss the structure of this genre.  

W131 Elementary Composition I (3 sem. cr. IU East: Dual Enrollment)

This one-semester course prepares students for writing in a variety of college courses. The focus of the course is on writing from multiple sources to analyze an issue and argue a position. Skills include evaluating sources of, summarizing sources, adopting a thoughtful position, advancing a clear thesis, and supporting ones views with evidence.  Offered first-semester only.  Students will take theIndiana University final exam at the end of the semester. 

Grade 11 & 12

Prerequisite:  English 9 & 10                                       Length: 1 sem, 1 per, .600 credit

3.00 or higher in English                                             weighted

L202 Literary Interpretation (3 sem. cr. IU East: Dual Enrollment)

One-semester: Development of critical skills essential to participation in the interpretive process. Through class discussion and focused writing assignments, introduces the premises and motives of literary analysis and critical methods associated with historical, generic, and/or cultural concerns. Offered second-semester only.  Students will take the Indiana University final exam at the end of the semester. 

Prerequisite: W131 Elementary Composition or Comp I/Comp II.  

Grade 11 & 12                                                         Length: 1 sem, 1 per, .600 credit



Practical English Expression

Grade:  11 & 12

Prerequisite:  English 9 & 10                                       Length:  1 sem, 1 per, .5 credit

Practical English Expression will stress the communication skills deemed beneficial for the student who plans to enter the work place directly from high school.  Emphasis will be placed on oral communication skills, but will also incorporate practical writing and research skills.

Reading the Novel

Grade:  11 & 12

Prerequisite:  English 9 & 10                                       Length:  1 sem, 1 per, .5 credit

This course allows the college bound or non-college bound student to read books in the classroom that interest him/her.  This course encourages the student to develop a wide range of reading interests, and to probe more deeply into the reading done.  Each student is required to keep a journal to comment on daily reading experiences.   Vocabulary and comprehension skills are developed. 


Grade:  11 & 12

Prerequisite:  English 9 & 10                                       Length:  1 sem, 1 per, .5 credit

The student will read specific literature by key authors, including stories, poems and novels.  He/she will read, discuss, write in response, interpret at several levels, look for specific images and symbols and determine how well the literature serves as a unified piece of fiction.  Students will develop the vocabulary needed to discuss the structure of this genre.  

Technical Writing                                                               

Grade:  11 & 12

Prerequisite:  English 9 & 10                                       Length:  1 sem, 1 per, .5 credit

This course is designed for the general student who is interested in learning and acquiring the writing skills necessary to make a smooth transition from school to the work environment.  Students in this class will study the various types of writing problems that often occur in the work place.  This includes learning how to write reports, proposals, and news releases.  In general, students will develop thinking skills, organizational skills, and writing skills.

English Department Guide for Student Scheduling

     1.    A student who fails both semesters of English 9 must make up the class either in summer school    or by correspondence.  If a student fails to show progress toward either of these two remedies, he or she must repeat English 9 during the 10th grade year and will not advance to English 10.

     2.     A student who fails one semester of English 9 will be scheduled into English 10 the following year.  However, the failed semester must be made up by retaking the failed semester, if possible, by enrolling in summer school, by taking correspondence, or by taking additional elective English courses during the 11th or 12th grade year.

     3.     A student who fails both semesters of English 10 must make up the class by repeating English 10, by taking summer school, or by taking correspondence. The student has the option to pursue the less preferred option of retaking English 10 and scheduling one or two English electives during the 11th and 12th grade years.

     4.     A student who fails one semester of English 10 will be scheduled into 11th and 12th grade English electives the following year.  However, the failed semester must be made up by retaking the failed semester, if possible, by enrolling in summer school, by taking correspondence, or by taking additional elective English courses during the 11th or 12th grade years.

A student, who has English classes to make up for past failures and who has scheduled three semesters or more to make up for it, must demonstrate positive progress in all English classes during the year.  If a student’s progress is determined as poor, that student may be dropped from the more advanced course to focus on passing the lower level class.