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Grade:  9, 10, 11 & 12                                               Elective

Prerequisite:  instrumental training                               Length:  2 sems, 1 per, 1 credit

Band is a class that provides opportunities to students for creativity and self-expression through the performance of instrumental music.  Students gain increased musical skills while performing a wide variety of music. Band students gain a sense of achievement through performance, while providing their school and community with opportunities to enjoy music.


Grade:  9, 10, 11 & 12                                               Elective

Prerequisite:  none                                                    Length:  2 sems, 1 per, 1 credit

The choir offers students the opportunity to expand their range of self-expression through the study and performance of vocal music.  Performances include school concerts, solo and ensemble contest, and performances for church and civic groups.  Tone production and music fundamentals are emphasized.